We are a company made up of talented people, passionate about technology and innovation.

We work to create exceptional experiences for our partners through Cloud services, Quality Engineering, and development of digital products and platforms.

Our hybrid work environment is made of collaboration and constant learning. By joining our team, you will work alongside the best professionals and mentors in the market.

We value and encourage experiences and knowledge that go beyond the universe of technology, is the only way to build a truly diverse, creative and inclusive work environment.

We are a company made up of talented people, passionate about technology and innovation.

We work to create exceptional experiences for our partners through Cloud services, Quality Engineering, and development of digital products and platforms.


Our hybrid work environment is made of collaboration and constant learning. By joining our team, you will work alongside the best professionals and mentors in the market.


We value and encourage experiences and knowledge that go beyond the universe of technology, is the only way to build a truly diverse, creative and inclusive work environment.

We are 4.4 on Glassdoor!

Glassdoor is one of the largest recruitment and vacancy sites in the world and Inmetrics has an overall score of 4.4. The result is based on the contribution of our employees, who voluntarily provided their feedback in a confidential manner about the company, and only reinforces our “people first” culture and environment, in which all people can be who they are, with respect and security they need to develop.


Tech Talent is our career acceleration program to develop multidisciplinary professionals in Technology. The program provides the opportunity for students and recent graduates to work and develop directly with our clients, and side by side with specialists who are a reference in the Digital Technology market.


To participate, it is not necessary to have experience or specific training on IT, but it´s important to have curiosity and skills to work on it.


During the journey, new talents are involved in Digital Product Quality projects, Digital Architectures, Analytics, etc. and are monitored by mentors and the People & Culture area. In addition, they have access to all benefits granted by Inmetrics.

Tech Talent is our career acceleration program to develop multidisciplinary professionals in Technology. The program provides the opportunity for students and recent graduates to work and develop directly with our clients, and side by side with specialists who are a reference in the Digital Technology market.


To participate, it is not necessary to have experience or specific training on IT, but it´s important to have curiosity and skills to work on it.


During the journey, new talents are involved in Digital Product Quality projects, Digital Architectures, Analytics, etc. and are monitored by mentors and the People & Culture area. In addition, they have access to all benefits granted by Inmetrics.

SRE e Performance Talent

The SRE and Performance Talent is an initiative for professional technology training, which will support talents in the development of essential skills and competences for those who wish to be part of the Site Reliability Engineering universe.


To participate, it is not necessary to have previous experience, but an affinity with topics on the area, such as programming, and a strong desire to learn.

SRE e Performance Talent

The SRE and Performance Talent is an initiative for professional technology training, which will support talents in the development of essential skills and competences for those who wish to be part of the Site Reliability Engineering universe.


To participate, it is not necessary to have previous experience, but an affinity with topics on the area, such as programming, and a strong desire to learn.

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From Latin America

Be part of the team more HARD TECH From Latin America