With over two decades of existence, we are leaders in Latin America in Digital Efficiency and are recognized for our excellence in Software Engineering and Cloud.
We are driven by a passionate team that seeks efficiency and consistent results.
Our mission is to work closely with our clients to ensure their success, productivity, and results, making a difference..
Innovating, building, and implementing technological solutions is our core value, and we always strive to do even better for our clients, collaborators, and partners.
We are the first technology services provider in Brazil to integrate AI into all the services we offer.
Inmetrics is present in Latin America, with units in Brazil, Chile, and Colombia. We use technology and efficiency to deliver projects.
Our #hardtech team has been awarded twice by both FIA and GPTW.
Rising Stars are companies with high potential to become leaders in the next 12-24 months. They are recognized for their promising portfolio, focus on market trends, and efficient management, as well as their significant progress and capacity for innovation.
Leaders are companies with a highly attractive offering and a strong competitive position in the market. They meet all the requirements to succeed, and are considered opinion shapers and strategic drivers. Additionally, they ensure stability and innovation.
We are Advanced AWS partners and collaborate with the largest cloud providers on the market, including Google, Azure, and Oracle. This ensures that our clients have access to the most advanced technologies to meet their needs.
Se você se identifica com nosso propósito e quer transformar o mercado de Tecnologia junto com a gente, confira nossas oportunidades e venha fazer parte do time mais #hardtech da América Latina