Demands in a digital environment can vary dramatically. Knowing the real capabilities of your infrastructure, including the volume of accesses supported, can prepare you to plan and deal more efficiently with your business strategies.
In addition to ensuring that operations continue happening with speed, stability, and efficiency in different scenarios. Otherwise, there are risks of slowdown, unavailability and damage to the user experience.
The challenges of evaluating application performance go far beyond troubleshooting. It is necessary to do constant performance evaluation work and continue with continuous improvements with each delivery of new features and releases.
At Inmetrics, we help our clients with application optimization, application load testing, and stress testing. For this, we use a tool developed by our experts, which facilitates the entire process, especially in the context of microservices architectures.
In the past, to run a performance test on a client we needed to provide local infrastructure, usually on Linux servers. In addition, all test assembly and execution took place via the shell, which impacted productivity, increased a chance of human error and accidental replacement of logs and scripts, making it difficult to copy scripts and mass data files in and out. from the server.
After the development of our tool to facilitate the delivery of performance and stress tests, the complexity and the work required to perform these services reduced considerably.
We were also able to automate injector provisioning through EC2 and front-end integration through Lambda Functions, operating expenses, with Amazon Cognito security and API Gateway for user control, without dependence on direct console access. In addition, the front end of our solution is available on Amazon CloudFront, which makes it easier to distribute content between application updates and more cost-effective static and web content hosting.
Amazon Cognito allows managing user registration, login, and access control to web and mobile applications quickly and easily.
Amazon CloudFront is a fast content delivery network (CDN) service that delivers data, videos, applications, and APIs securely, with low latency and high transfer speeds.
The accommodation of our performance testing infrastructure is entirely run from AWS platforms. And that’s critical for Inmetrics to deliver its testing services faster, with fewer errors and lower costs across multiple customers across different market segments, from retail to finance.
Av. Eng. Luís Carlos Berrini, 105,
16º andar | Sala 1607
Brooklin Novo – SP
Brasil | CEP: 04571-010
+56 2 3203-9507
Cerro El Plomo, 5420
Oficina 1503
Las Condes | Santiago Chile
Código Postal : 7560742
+57 1 646-9642
Carrera 19A #90-13
Oficina 304, Bogotá
Código Postal: 110221
+1 809.794.5333 ext. 5334
Calle Filomena Gómez de Cova No.3
Edificio Corporativo 2015, Piso 7
Local 701. Piantini
Av. Eng. Luís Carlos Berrini, 105,
16º andar | Sala 1607
Brooklin Novo – SP
Brasil | CEP: 04571-010
Cerro El Plomo, 5420
Oficina 1503
Las Condes | Santiago Chile
Código Postal : 7560742
Carrera 19A #90-13
Oficina 304, Bogotá
Código Postal: 11022
18097945333 ext. 5334
Calle Filomena Gómez de Cova No.3
Edificio Corporativo 2015, Piso 7
Local 701. Piantini
Av. Tamboré 267 – 21º andar
Torre Norte,Tamboré
Barueri SP – Brasil |CEP:
Av. Eng. Luís Carlos Berrini, 105,
16º andar | Sala 1607
Brooklin Novo – SP
Brasil | CEP: 04571-010
+56 2 3203-9507
Cerro El Plomo, 5420
Oficina 1503
Las Condes | Santiago Chile
Código Postal : 7560742
+57 1 646-9642
Carrera 19A #90-13
Oficina 304, Bogotá
Código Postal: 110221
+1 809.794.5333 ext. 5334
Calle Filomena Gómez de Cova No.3
Edificio Corporativo 2015, Piso 7
Local 701. Piantini
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